Fee payment details

Guidelines to Authors

Below are some useful instructions to assist the authors to submit their papers for NKCon 2024


Papers submitted to NKCon-2024 shall contain original work by the author(s) that have not been published or submitted for publication elsewhere. The IEEE anti- plagiarism policy is applicable to all submissions. The author(s) are solely responsible for any plagiarized submission.


All papers are required to be prepared and submitted in the IEEE Standard two –column conference format of A4 size in English. Papers must be four to six pages in length, including texts, Figures, photographs and references. Literature review only papers are not accepted. Any submitted paper that exceeds six pages will be rejected. The first page must include the title of the paper, author(s), affiliations, address and text. Please do not include page numbers on submitted documents. Failing to conform to the standard format will result in rejection. Detailed format information is available in IEEE Website.


The authors are required to use the standard IEEE manuscript template for conferences. The Microsoft Word template in can be downloaded from IEEE conference template page: Click here.

The paper shall consist of original and previously unpublished work, including specific results. Literature review only papers are not accepted. The ‘Introduction’ of the paper shall clearly indicate the unique aspects of the submission and how it is related to the previous work.

All final paper submissions must be electronic, using IEEE Xplore compliant PDF format (*.pdf). Failure to do so may result in the rejection of the paper.

Type 3 fonts (bitmaps) will not be accepted. Authors can use the IEEE PDF eXpress to generate compliant PDF Files for final submission.


All papers must be submitted in PDF or as a Microsoft Word Document via CMT Platform.

The submitting authors may be required to create a CMT account before uploading the paper (if the submitting author does not have a CMT account). While uploading the paper, the authors should provide the title of the paper, an abstract of no more than 250 words in the respective text boxes in the paper submission page.

Please note that all accepted papers that are registered and presented in the conference will be sent for possible inclusion in IEEE Xplore. The authors must agree to the IEEE copyright conditions and sign the IEEE copyright form as part of the online submission process. All submitted papers will be peer reviewed by the Technical Program Committees (TPC).

Important dates

  • Last date for Submission : 20th July, 2024
  • Acceptance Notification: 31st July, 2024
  • Deadline for Registration: 05th September, 2024
  • Camera ready submission: 05th September, 2024.
  • Conference Dates: 21st-22nd September, 2024

Greetings from IEEE North Karnataka Subsection (NKSS)!!!

We are pleased to inform you that your submission paper id: NKCon-2024-{Submission.Id} with Title: {Submission.Title} has been {Submission.StatusName} for Oral presentation at the IEEE North Karnataka Subsection Flagship International Conference “NKCon-2024” organized by IEEE NKSS in association with IEEE Bangalore Section and hosted at Basaveshwar Engineering College Bagalkote-587103, during 21st & 22nd September 2024.

The conference proceedings will be submitted to IEEE for possible inclusion in the IEEE Xplore® digital library.

Please read the following guidelines carefully before submitting the final version of the paper:

1. Please prepare your Camera-ready paper (Word Document) by strictly following the guidelines mentioned below:

a. The Final Camera Ready Copy should be strictly according to IEEE format given by IEEE at http://www.ieee.org/conferences_events/conferences/publishing/templates.html

b. Mention affiliations of all the authors & mail id of all the authors.

c. Run a Spell-check and proofread your paper thoroughly to ensure that it contains no typo and grammatical errors.

d. Include good quality figures/graphics, Tables must be drawn in table format, not as an image.

e. In-text description and callouts for all the figure numbers, table numbers and equation numbers must be present in the paper as per the order of their occurrence.

f. Improve related work content, and provide a detailed review of recent year papers (2021, 2022, 2023 & 2024) . Recent references are to be added as well as it has to be cited in the paper. At least 15 Recent references are to be included in the reference Section. Don’t put the website address in the reference Section. Citation must be in ascending order, not in random manner. In-text citations must match their corresponding reference listed under the references section and vice-versa.

g. Remove words like “Our/we/us” from the paper

h. Ensure the Similarity Index (Plagiarism Report) should be less than 25% Including References.

i. Do not mention Salutations like “Dr./Mr./Mrs./Prof./ Research Scholar/Student.

j. Final camera-ready paper should be of 5 to 8 pages.

k. Incorporate review comments from the CMT portal and update the suggestions in your Camera-ready paper.

l. To review the comments from the Reviewers, click on the following link: https://cmt3.research.microsoft.com/IEEENKCON2024/Submission/Reviews/{Submission.Id}

m. submit your file with file name NKCon-2024-{Submission.Id} ( use this as the corresponding id for further communication)

n. This registration includes a Registration Kit, 2- Break Fast, 2- Lunch, and 1- Dinner for Physically presenting Authors only. The registration fee for Offline and Online authors is the same. It excludes Accommodation.

2. Include a Header and Footer in your Paper for First Page Only (left justify).

Header: 2024 IEEE North Karnataka Subsection Flagship International Conference (NKCon)

Footer: 979-8-3503-6456-9/24/$31.00 ©2024 IEEE

3. Camera-ready paper is meant ONLY FOR ONE TIME submission. After the submission, strictly no more corrections will be entertained.

4. Account Details:

IEEE North Karnataka Sub Section

Account Number:200322010000145

Bank Name: Union Bank of India

IFSC Code: UBIN0920037

5. Registration Fee: https://ieeenkcon2024.org/fee-structure-and-information/

After successful transaction, please fill up and submit the registration form to register yourself for the conference. Please make sure that the corresponding transaction proof (image file), Camera Ready paper (.docx file), and PDF Express at https://ieee-pdf-express.org/account/login?ReturnUrl=%2F verified PDF files should be uploaded during registration. Specify Conference Id as 62728X


** Deadline for Camera-ready paper (.docx file), Registration/Payment Proof submission: 05th September 2024**


6. It is mandatory for the authors to present their paper at the conference, without presentation the accepted paper will not be published by the conference and registration will not be refunded for the same.

7. We are looking forward to your participation at the conference. If you are not the author presenting the paper, please forward this message to your co-author who will give the presentation.

In case of any clarifications please send an email to ieeenkcon2024@gmail.com

Thanks for your understanding and cooperation.

Event Registration

Registration Fee

IEEE Student Member

Non-Student Member

IEEE Member

Non-IEEE Member

Indian Authors 5,000 INR 6,000 INR 6,000 INR 8,000 INR
Indian Listeners 1,000 INR 2,000 INR 1,000 INR 2,000 INR
Foreign Authors 120 USD 120 USD 110 USD 150 USD
Foreign Listeners 150 USD 150 USD 110 USD 120 USD

Registration fee includes,

  • Participation in the technical program
  • Lunch
  • Refreshments
  • Certificates
  • One Conference Kit (Bag, Notepad, Pen, etc.)

Click here for registration: Deadline extended till 05-09-2024


Download IEEE Copyright Form

Cancellation & Refund Policy

Cancellation/refund the entire fee after registration is not permitted.







  • IEEE owns the copyright to the article for IEEE conferences.
  • The authors must obtain permission to upload the paper to approved preprint websites.
  • Authors are solely responsible for post-conference plagiarism and preprint publication issues.
  • Withdrawal requests must include consent statements from all authors mentioned in the article at the time of submission.

Registration fees

  • Non-IEEE Authors from Industry/Academia: 8000 INR
    IEEE Authors from Industry/Academia: 6000 INR
    Student Author Registration: 6000 INR
    IEEE Student Registration: 5000 INR
  • Co-Author Registration: 2000 INR
  • Non-Authors/Participants/Accompanying Person: 3000 INR
  • Non-IEEE Student members: Non-Authors/Participants/Accompanying Person: 2000 INR
  • IEEE Student members: Non-Authors/Participants/Accompanying Person: 1000 INR

Foreign Delegates from Industry/Academia: US $150
IEEE Foreign Delegates from Industry/Academia: US $110
Student Registration: US $110
IEEE Student Registration: US $100

Best Paper Awards

INR 4000 + Certificate, for each track.​

Note: If in a track number of submitted papers is:

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